Discover AMZN MKTP US Charge – Is It Legit?

If you come across the term AMAZON MKTPLACE or amzn mktp us on your bank or credit card statement, it represents charges made by Marketplace. This is the charge code that Amazon utilizes when processing payments for your purchases.

Decoding the Charge: amzn mktp us on Your Bank or Credit Card Statement

If you come across the term AMAZON MKTPLACE on your bank or credit card statement, it represents charges made by Marketplace. This is the charge code that Amazon utilizes when processing payments for your purchases.

AMAZON MKTPLACE Contact Information, Inc.
410 Terry Avenue North Seattle, WA 98109 USA

Phone Number: 206-266-1000
Customer Service: 800-201-7575
Website: Amazon

amzn mktp

Frequently Searched Charge Codes Related to AMAZON MKTPLACE

In addition to AMAZON MKTPLACE, here are some other charge codes you might see that are frequently searched:

  • amazon mktplce eu-de
  • amazon mktplace pmts amzn com bill lux
  • amazon mktplace pmts bookstores
  • amazon mktplce eu-uk
  • amazon mktplace pmts español
  • amazon mktplace pmts wa 98108
  • amazon mktp us
  • amzn mktp ca

Other Frequently Searched Charge Codes

Aside from Amazon-related charge codes, you may encounter these frequently searched codes on your bank or credit card statement:


Please note, this website is not associated with Amazon or Amazon Market Place. The content here serves as information, reviews, and complaints for reference and assistance purposes. Always consult your bank or the respective company for official information regarding any charges on your statement.

Why Rely on

At, we believe that financial transparency is vital. We’ve developed a comprehensive, user-generated database to shed light on baffling charges. Each entry is meticulously verified by live personnel, ensuring accurate, trustworthy, and up-to-date information. By fostering a community of users sharing experiences and insights, we aim to make your financial statements clearer and more understandable.

what is amzn mktp us on my bank statement

The charge code is from Amazon from buying or selling on Amazon Market Place.


January 28, 2025

charge appeared on mycard but groceries not delivered


charge that i'm not sure what it is from

November 27, 2024

amzn mktp us HA9S19EE3

Shelley McRee

unknown charge - AMAZON MKTPL*PLODM8123

October 17, 2024

AMAZON MKTPL*PLODM8123 dated 9/28. This charge is on my Bank of America credit card in the amount of $40.00. I did not authorize this charge

Deborah Grimes

AMZN Mktp US*R82Q01FL1

February 15, 2024

AMZN Mktp US*R82Q01FL1 appeared on my January 2024 bill. I have no idea what this charge is for. I’ve checked my account and there is no charges/payments listed. Any ideas?

Mary Jackson


January 25, 2024

MCC 54788 CARD 15 #22s8 DATE 01/24/24 *6rr02*0799948 59782 No idea what this is for, no charges or orders on my Amazon account

Gary W Weston

unauthorized charge

November 1, 2023

date, 10/31/2023 amount, 69.92 last 4 of c c , 4444 manually entered

Richard F Ozimek

Bought life insurance thru bank of america thru a company called monumental life ins

October 20, 2023

why is amzmktpus*te5tlvz1 appearing as a charge onmy bank statement. This insurance was bought in 7/1/2007 with coverage of 10,000

marilyn lopez